9 research outputs found

    Scaling Factor Threshold Estimator in Different Color Models Using a Discrete Wavelet Transform for Steganographic Algorithm

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    Two of the main problems with steganographic algorithms are insertion capability and minimization of distortion in the digital files where the hidden information is the information is inserted to hiding Digital filters are generally used as noise detectors, and they also suppress information outside the original information contained in the file. There are different types of filtering, one in the spatial domain and the other in the frequency domain or sometimes a combination of both domains to propose adaptive filters. One of the filters with greater application is the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) because it is easy to implement and has low computational complexity. The DWT computationally implemented in an image can be represented as a quadrature mirror filter, separating the frequency components: so high-high, high-low, low-high and low-low levels obtain different resolutions

    Mobile Distributed User Interfaces

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    The success of a mobile application is due to the usability that the graphical user interface provides. A feature of mobile devices is the limited space for the interaction and the deployment of the graphical user interface. For this reason, user interfaces can have different interaction modalities. However, to work with information that can be complex to display, the use of modalities may not solve this problem. A possible alternative to provide more workspace to the users is through a distributed user interface (DUI). A mobile DUI allows the mobile applications to use two or more devices to execute the user interface. These devices can be Smart TVs or wearable such as smart watches. In this work the concepts of mobile DUI design are discussed, some use cases are presented and it is shown that its development in mobile devices is feasible

    Gestures for interaction between the software CATIA and the human via Microsoft Kinect

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    CAD systems are very useful tools in the industry, because they help design processes and new product development. However, it requires new mechanisms of interaction to provide greater usability of these tools. This usability can be provided through new interaction devices such as Kinect. We describe a methodology to find a series of gestures makes by the hands for control a CAD system with Kinect sensor of Microsoft. These gestures must be easy to remember for the user of the system and they don't should represent a cognitive load to make the design's experience most interactive

    Software Architectures for Adaptive Mobile Learning Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Adaptive Mobile Learning Systems (AMLSs) are technological tools that incorporate adaptive learning to generate an individual teaching–learning process for each student. Despite the proliferation of AMLS, their development is often hindered by a lack of standardization and the poor quality of existing software architectures in terms of requirements correctness and coverage. This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of software architectures oriented to developing AMLS reported in the state of the art. For this SLR, we searched the ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Springer, and SCOPUS. Studies published in English that describe and evaluate a software architecture to develop AMLS were included. Twenty-two primary works were relevant to the present study. Based on the obtained results, we have identified key aspects that must be considered in a software architecture proposed for developing an AMLS in terms of requirements, quality attributes, stakeholders, services provided to users, views and architectural styles, components, and implementation technologies. The main finding of this work is the lack of a reference software architecture that considers all the requirements and quality attributes needed for developing AMLS. This gap hinders the effective development and standardization of quality AMLSs, suggesting a critical need for a comprehensive reference software architecture

    Intermunicipal travel networks of Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract Human mobility networks are widely used for diverse studies in geography, sociology, and economics. In these networks, nodes usually represent places or regions and links refer to movement between them. They become essential when studying the spread of a virus, the planning of transit, or society’s local and global structures. Therefore, the construction and analysis of human mobility networks are crucial for a vast number of real-life applications. This work presents a collection of networks that describe the human travel patterns between municipalities in Mexico in the 2020–2021 period. Using anonymized mobile location data, we constructed directed, weighted networks representing the volume of travels between municipalities. We analysed changes in global, local, and mesoscale network features. We observe that changes in these features are associated with factors such as COVID-19 restrictions and population size. In general, the implementation of restrictions at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, induced more intense changes in network features than later events, which had a less notable impact in network features. These networks will result very useful for researchers and decision-makers in the areas of transportation, infrastructure planning, epidemic control and network science at large

    QSTR Modeling to Find Relevant DFT Descriptors Related to the Toxicity of Carbamates

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    Compounds containing carbamate moieties and their derivatives can generate serious public health threats and environmental problems due their high potential toxicity. In this study, a quantitative structure–toxicity relationship (QSTR) model has been developed by using one hundred seventy-eight carbamate derivatives whose toxicities in rats (oral administration) have been evaluated. The QSRT model was rigorously validated by using either tested or untested compounds falling within the applicability domain of the model. A structure-based evaluation by docking from a series of carbamates with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was carried out. The toxicity of carbamates was predicted using physicochemical, structural, and quantum molecular descriptors employing a DFT approach. A statistical treatment was developed; the QSRT model showed a determination coefficient (R2) and a leave-one-out coefficient (Q2LOO) of 0.6584 and 0.6289, respectively